Thursday, November 29, 2007

#22 eAudiobooks

I have navigated around Netlibrary, Overdrive and the World EBook fair site. Unfortunately, restrictions on this PC prevented me from doing much more. I can see how subscribing to this type of service in a library would be a big hit for those members who prefer listening "on the run" to actually sitting with a book and reading. And imagine not having to deal with damaged items, late fees or replacement costs, due to items being automatically returned!! - that really does sound appealing.
But my love of the book in its printed format, is still where I am at and I won't be discarding that for anything - I hope I am not on my own!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#21 Podcasts

Started this exercise yesterday and have had to come back to it after a number of interruptions. Have played around and explored the 3 directories nominated. Most of the ones I had success with were video broadcasts - I didn't get very far with other searches - wasn't able to listen to the actual podcast, due to software retrictions or whatever.
But, I have got the idea and again can see that there is no limits as to what you can tap into.
it's time to sign off.

Monday, November 26, 2007

#20 (2)

I should add that to add a video of some description to our Home Page could be a good feature!!

#20 YouTube

Wow, have I discovered YouTube!! Don't ask me where the last hour has gone, but I have been completely entertained. Managed to work myself around various videos and uploaded "Dora" to my blog. Not sure to what extent this could be used here at work, but I can see there is no end to how you can choose to share your thoughts and ideas, either through text or picture format with anyone who is interested in zooming in , on whatever you have to offer.
Can also see that if you are bored with life and want to sit in front of a screen all day, the YouTube world (and others) is your oyster.
I'm now removing myself from the screen before I get "hooked".

Thursday, November 22, 2007

#19 Discovering web 2.0 tools

Just playing was dangerous!! I have just had a lovely time looking around and listening to my selected site. I chose Music and visited the 3 awards, but could only access "Last-fm" which allowed me to select my favourite artists and listen to a track from a selected album.
Then I was able to explore further and find out every possible thing you would want to know about the artist (John Denver in this case) as well as see a listing of all his songs in order of popularity, as well as images of all the disc/record covers and much more.
Having a music collection in this library service, I'm sure this site could be put to good use by people who can only remember bits & pieces about various songs and need more information. Would be a great personal tool if you just wanted some soothing time to wind down.
Now, I had better get back to some real work.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

#18 Zoho Writer

I have just been "lost in time" creating my account in Zoho Writer, exploring the site and actually creating a test document. Also looked at many of the extra features. Just amazing that a desk top is not the only way to go and I can see how Zoho will be more than popular and a great find for everybody and anybody.
I have lost track of time 'looking around", so I had better finish off my real job and exit out of here.

#17 Sanbdox wiki

I commenced this exercise on Friday and after a lot of playing around, eventually added an entry to Learning 2.0 Sandbox wiki. Due to the fact that I was entering the incorrect URL, I was confronted with other information that I really didn't need to see, and just goes to show how easy it is to have something in your face when you make an honest mistake!! Anyhow, I did succeed in going down the right road when one of my fellow bloggers worked out where I went wrong!!
Have come back to this today and listened to the podcast and viewed the 5 x PBwiki Videos.
Time to move on!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

#16 wiki

Yes, I quite enjoyed working my way around the "wiki world". Explored various wikis and can see how you could use them in just about anyway possible.
I also listened to the YouTube/Video (twice), which was great for me as it explained the process in a very simple manner and one I could understand.
How would I use a wiki or see a use for a wiki in my organisation? I can see how how it has a more efficient use than e-mail and is a great co-ordination tool. It could have numerous uses in the library and would be a great connection between the staff and the public in setting up a book club of sorts; between staff and management - could take the place of structured meetings in a nominated place - maybe.
I can see use of wikis as almost endless.

#15 Library2.0

I have read all the perspectives on Web 2.0 and cannot believe the changes we will expect to see in the next 5 - 10 years or so. When you are working in an environment that is quite "traditional" compared to what is already emerging, my head is just spinning. It is good to read all about the different concepts and it is certainly rapid change.
I guess I still see the demands we are meeting here and "the love of the book" is still very stong - in fact people still can't get enough of them.
I fully realise the generations coming through will be seeking, expecting and demanding a very different product from their local library and it will be our role to provide as required.
Going along for the ride is going to be challenging, facinating and more than interesting!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#14 technorati

Have explored and been entertained in the process. Listened and watched ESCUALO ("The Shark"). Not sure when I would personally use tagging on a day to day basis, but I can see what everyone else is up to.


Have spent some time looking around and searched butterflies, rainbows and music. Can see how other people have tagged these sites and it presents as a social network!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#12 - Rollyo

With a lot of help from my friends, I have completed this exercise. Rollyo has made it to the template down the side of my page and yes, I can see that it is another handy search engine for me to use when I'm playing around. Finished for the day.

#11 - LibraryThing

- have "catalogued" 5 titles which I really enjoyed reading over the years. Most of these titles are sitting on my book shelf at home to remind me of the experience.

#10 - Online Image Generator

Glad I picked Disneyland to work with - it was even fun carrying out this exercise!!
So, now I am ready to move on.